![Public Service Timed Practice Exams](/static/images/psp-feature-2.png)
Welcome to Public Service Prep
Your PublicServicePrep test home page is used to navigate to all of the various practice tests and exercises available to you.
Below you will find links to practice public service exams, practice customs exams, and your test history profile. Use the Preparation tab above to get valuable teaching material to help you improve your score on the practice exams. In addition, the Preparation tab provides material to help you prepare for the interview.
Practice Exams:
We have designed simulated practice exams based on the Public Service Commission written exams, CBSA, Corrections Canada and the Canadian Forces Aptitude Tests. Below you will find links to the various practice exams. You will find typically 5 practice exams for each type of written exam. The practice tests on our system resemble the real selection tests in both content and format. In addition, each test is timed so as to develop your time management skills for the real test.