CBSA Timed Practice Exams

Prepare to ace the Corrections exams!

Did you know? Every year more than 2,000 people apply for a position with Corrections Canada.

Corrections Canada Program

The recruitment process can take several months. When you register to the Canadian Corrections Program you will have access to our online resources for 12 months. Prepare on your own time and at your own pace.

Program includes:

  • Minimum of 5 full-length simulated exams for each test
  • WCPT - Written Communication Proficiency Test
  • SJT - Situational Judgment Test
  • GCT1 & 2 - General Competency Tests Level 1 & 2
  • Role-Playing - Role-playing scenarios designed specifically for the Correctional Service of Canada
  • Scenarios- Test taker and test administrator scenarios
  • Interactive scoring - with historical feedback, answer keys and solution explanations.
  • Prep Material - Resume, Interview and Teaching material for all subject matter.

PSC Exam Prep

Why Public Service Prep?

With a staff of skilled technical writers, PublicServicePrep has designed customized written exams for the Canadian Public Service exam you are writing. Our practice Exams are developed with the same format and content as the real tests. This ensures you are spending your time and money on the correct preparation and training material. Don't waste your money on generic practice exams that do not reflect the Exam that you will be writing.